Zürich Airport Pickup

You can arrange to pickup your iSpot Connect hotspot at the Swiss Post Office at Zürich Airport. Here's how it works:

  1. Order your iSpot Connect rental with a shipping address as follows: Your Name, Poste restante , Vorfahrt Ankunft 3, 8302 Kloten.

  2. On arrival, go to the Post Office in the Airport Center and show an official ID. This must match the name on the delivery address.

  3. The Post Office will give you the iSpot Connect delivery package.

  4. In the package is a self addressed stamped envelope which you use to send the unit back after your rental period. Just put the unit in the envelope and drop it in any yellow Swiss Post collection box.


Post Office


Airport Center - Shopping area

Open from 08.00 (8am) to 21.00 (9pm), 7 days a week